Stock #
Brand NEW High-Capacity Wheel Rake -H & S Model HC5114
* Wide raking ability – to 28′ via hydraulic width control
* Wheels -60″ diameter, 40 flexible teeth per wheel
* Transport width – 8’8″
* Flex wing – up to 3″ up or down
* Windrow width adjustment- 38″-58″
* Transport & Gauge wheels – 8 total, 15″ air-inflated tires
* Suspension- ‘Bee-hive’ style spring suspension that readily follows field contours
* Set-up and ready for your transport to your farm for raking.
* Price- Give us a call for your ready-to-rake price.
Feel free to call us for any further info or questions. Call our Equipment sales dept.: 262/675-6565.